Saturday, March 17, 2007


Environmental Scrutiny Committee Meeting Called!

I had been led to believe it would be several months before the Conservation Area Appraisal of Old St. Mellons would be considered by the Environmental Scrutiny Committee. However, I received notification just yesterday (16th March) that a special meeting has been called for Wednesday 21st March at 5.00pm. This will take place at County Hall, Committee Room 3. The meeting is open for members of the public to attend as observers.

It is also possible for any resident wishing to speak at the meeting to do so at the discretion of the Chair. It would of course be a very positive way forward, since it is always constructive for members of a committee to hear the views of local residents. Therefore if there is any resident who would wish, or be willing to do this, please give me a ring on 2077 7784 and I will contact the Chair of the Scrutiny Committee and do my best to organise it.

This is happening much faster than I had anticipated, and not giving us a lot of time to organise everything. After the Scrutiny Committee meeting of Wednesday, there is a meeting of the Council the very next day. I will now present the petition at that meeting.
We have 148 signatures on this present petition, and if there is anyone else who has not yet signed and would like to, please give me a ring and I will call on you during the next few days.

I have spoken to Sophie Howe, and she will be continuing to assist in lobbying. I will also be speaking to Sue Essex at the weekend, in order to ensure that she is kept up to date on the situation.

I have no idea how soon this report will be referred back to the Executive Business Meeting. Everything will depend on how long it takes for the scrutiny committee to respond to the proposals. At this time the only thing I can say is that I will continue to keep all local residents fully informed.

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