Tuesday, June 24, 2008


The County Council, Community Council and Politics.

At the recent monthly meeting of the Old St. Mellons Community Council, Agenda item 5 'Local Residents' gave me the opportunity to express concern about the situation which as I have already stated in previous articles, is beginning to occur more and more, and that is the tendency to mix together groups which should, indeed must remain separate.
There is in my opinion, at present a very serious problem in joining together the County Council, the Community Council, and Politics. I asked the Community Council three questions on this, and I am still awaiting some answers.

1) The Community Council had organised a litter pick in Old St. Mellons village but was advertised in the South Wales Echo by the 2 Ward Cllrs who attached it to information which had been organised by themselves to take place in Pontprennau on the same day. There was a very definite impression that the litter-pick had also been organised by them and not the Community Council. However, at the same time residents were advised to contact the Community Council Clerk should they require any further information. Why was this also published (along with other issues relating to the Community Council) in the latest Conservative political leaflet which was distributed throughout Old St. Mellons?
2) I also find unacceptable the name-cards displayed in front of all Community Cllrs at the monthly meetings. The new Chair of the Community Council had actually arrived at the last meeting, her first in the Chair in this new term, with new name cards showing nothing but the names of the Cllrs. These were not used, and the originals remained in place. My objection to these is the fact that the 2 County Cllrs. cards show that they are both County and Community Cllrs. As I pointed out to the Chair, when they walk in to that meeting every month, every Community Cllr leaves behind all the things they do in their life outside the Community Council. They all walk in as equals, nothing more than Community Cllrs. If they don't there is a suggestion of authority, implying that as County Cllrs these 2 members have more authority and more power than any of the other members. - If that were not the case, why would they insist on using these name cards?

3) Quarterly meetings are being held to discuss the M4 widening, something which has a definite impact on life in this Ward. Invited to these meetings are Officers from The Assembly, Cardiff County Council, and Newport Council. There are also County Cllrs and Community Cllrs invited from the affected areas of both Newport and Cardiff. The question I asked is, since other Community Councils have representatives attending these meetings, why does the Old St. Mellons Community Council not have anyone attending? The Clerk informed me that there was one Cllr attending. However, that person is a County Cllr and should attend as such. We are disadvataged by having one person trying to wear two hats, no-one can satisfactorily achieve that. I, along with others wish to see two Cllrs attending these meetings, one from the County Council and one from the Community Council.The Chair did agree this, and a representative from the Community Council has been chosen.

When I receive answers to the other questions asked I will keep residents informed.

Thursday, June 05, 2008


May2008 Council Election

After being a Labour Councillor representing the Ward of Pontprennau & Old St. Mellons for nine years, I was of course disappointed when in the recent May election I lost my seat. This has been a very interesting Ward to represent and has been a lot of fun - I think for everyone! I would very much like that to go on. This used to be a 100% Conservative Ward, and one which many felt would never change. One of those Wards where it was often said that the Cllr didn't have to do any work at all to be re-elected. It was an absolute certainty that no matter what the person did or didn't do, - the Conservative voters would come out on the day. All political Parties have areas like this of course, however in 1999 when the new Labour Government was very very popular and the Tories were very unpopular, the Labour Party took both seats in the Ward.

I worked hard for the next 5 years, and when we got to the 2004 election I held my seat. However, the other Labour Councillor was not standing in this area again, and the new candidate who would have been great for this Ward was not known and didn't live in the area and so was not elected. Therefore, residents then came to have one Tory and one Labour Councillor.

It is now of course the turn of the Labour Party to be unpopular, - and so off we go in a different direction again with the Ward now having 2 Tory Councillors.

I have made a decision to carry on working in the area for the coming 4 years for several reasons.

  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed working in the community, and I can see no reason why I shouldn't simply carry on working on a voluntary basis.

  2. I have been contacted by some residents who say that they are Labour supporters and when they need help or advice they would prefer to speak to a Labour Party member.

  3. I have nine years of experience and I care a lot about the residents in the area and want to go on helping wherever and whenever possible.

  4. Even people who are Conservative voters have said that they felt it was much more democratic when there were the 2 of us, both from very different Parties with very different views. It is sad that the Ward has now become less interesting.

  5. I have been and will continue to be very critical of the fact that the 2 Conservative Cllrs are both County Cllrs in the Ward and Community Cllrs in the village of Old St. Mellons. There are many problems with this in my opinion, not least is the fact that both the County and Community Councils meet on the same day each month. I have heard the argument coming from them stating that the meetings are held at different times. It is true that they begin at different times with the meeting of the County Council beginning at 4.30pm at either City Hall or County Hall. Then, the Community Council meeting is held in the village hall beginning at 19.30. Therefore, if the County Council meeting finishes by 19.00 they can attend both meetings, however I do have a list of all the times in the last 4 years when the Conservative Cllr either had to leave the meeting of the County Council early to attend the meeting of the Community Council, or she had to miss the Community Council meeting altogether. There are many residents in the village who would have liked a place on the Community Council but couldn't get in. Why do the Conservative Cllrs want to hold 2 posts? Why won't they make space for other residents to play an active part in the community?

I have a lot of concerns about many things going on in this Ward and this is why I will be staying involved in everything, and keeping an eye on everything. I will continue to keep residents informed of all issues of interest and importance - and in 4 years, I'll be back!

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