Sunday, March 04, 2007


Major modifications at B & Q Pontprennau

I recently met with one of the managers of the Pontprennau branch of B & Q , to discuss the plans for modifying the store, and to consider the best way to address the likelihood of any noise pollution whilst the required work is carried out.

The meeting was very constructive and focused on the company's wish to work with the local community, and to ensure that the process was of as little inconvenience to residents as possible.

There are some major changes to the interior of the store, to make it among other things more family friendly. You may have noticed already that the café has been moved to a brighter and more accessible position. The external timber section is also to be revamped, with new racking and a better layout.

The work has already started with little or no neighbourhood disturbance so far. There will however be some noise whilst the external work is carried out, but I am assured that every effort will be made to keep noise levels to an absolute minimum.

The whole project is expected to be completed by the end of May. During that time there will be a period of four to five weeks when there will be the possibility of external noise from the timber section. Internal work will be taking place around the clock, but we have agreed that external work will be limited to the hours between 7:00am and 9:00pm and will definitely not happen at weekends. I hope this is a fair balance between management's desire to progress the work and the residents right to peace and quiet.

after lengthy discussions I am convinced that there will be no serious problems, and that the work will be well managed, and dealt with in a considerate way. However, if you live close to the Pontprennau retail Park and are disturbed by noise at any time, especially outside of the allowed work periods you can contact the Duty Manager of the day on 2073 0401, or if you prefer, please contact me on 2077 7784 and I will resolve the problem.

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