Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The County Council, Community Council and Politics.
1) The Community Council had organised a litter pick in Old St. Mellons village but was advertised in the South Wales Echo by the 2 Ward Cllrs who attached it to information which had been organised by themselves to take place in Pontprennau on the same day. There was a very definite impression that the litter-pick had also been organised by them and not the Community Council. However, at the same time residents were advised to contact the Community Council Clerk should they require any further information. Why was this also published (along with other issues relating to the Community Council) in the latest Conservative political leaflet which was distributed throughout Old St. Mellons?
3) Quarterly meetings are being held to discuss the M4 widening, something which has a definite impact on life in this Ward. Invited to these meetings are Officers from The Assembly, Cardiff County Council, and Newport Council. There are also County Cllrs and Community Cllrs invited from the affected areas of both Newport and Cardiff. The question I asked is, since other Community Councils have representatives attending these meetings, why does the Old St. Mellons Community Council not have anyone attending? The Clerk informed me that there was one Cllr attending. However, that person is a County Cllr and should attend as such. We are disadvataged by having one person trying to wear two hats, no-one can satisfactorily achieve that. I, along with others wish to see two Cllrs attending these meetings, one from the County Council and one from the Community Council.The Chair did agree this, and a representative from the Community Council has been chosen.
When I receive answers to the other questions asked I will keep residents informed.