Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Christmas Newsletters for both Pontprennau & Old St. Mellons

Below is a run-down of most of the information which went in to my Christmas Newsletters in Pontprennau and Old St. Mellons. Some of the issues which were raised at that time now need to be enlarged upon, so watch this space as I will very soon be bringing everyone up to date with the current situation.

Pontprennau News

Who Is Fighting for Pontprennau?
As I had said in my first Newsletter after the May election, I continue to stay heavily involved in Pontprennau and its issues. Among other things I am still attending all possible meetings which relate to the situation with Cardiff Schools.
I recently attended the Cardiff Council EBM (Executive Business Meeting) to hear the report on schools in Canton. As many people will know from recent newspaper articles, this Council proposes to build a new primary school there. So what about us in Pontprennau?

Bearing in mind that Pontprennau residents have for years been told that a new school cannot be built while there are so many surplus places, this latest turn of events gave Pontprennau's two Conservative Councillors the perfect opportunity to force the Pontprennau school issue back into the limelight. But where were your Councillors?
Unfortunately, they DIDN’T TURN UP and the opportunity was missed. To be an effective Cllr you need to be in the right place at the right time - I still turn up at every opportunity - why can't they?

We should be asking where the money is coming from to build schools in areas that have an abundance of empty places and why can't it be spent in an area with no school at all?
I would also like to know why it is that when Councillors right across Cardiff are fighting for their schools, ours leave meetings early and fail to vote at crucial opportunities – that is exactly what happened at a recent meeting of the Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee called to discuss the proposed new build. The Conservative Councillor on that committee left before the vote - which was lost by one!

Pontprennau Youth
The Pontprennau Pumas football club continues to grow, currently having several boys in the under 9's who according to the manager, “show great promise”, and the adult group who seem to get better and better. As usual we would like to thank Cardiff Gate for their continued support and sponsorship of the Pumas. We would also like to thank Mr. Rob Thomas for his kind support and sponsorship of the mini track-suit tops.

The Pontprennau Youth group is still up and running and working hard. The last equipment they helped provide at the Community Centre was a second TV and stand, which is mainly for use with the Nintendo Wii.
There is still funding available to provide facilities for young people in the area and I find it sad that little or nothing is being done with it. It seems to me that the Youth Group would be the perfect people to get into discussions with, but nobody has contacted them. They are keen and eager to be involved, but frustrated by the lack of movement on this issue.

Christmas Fair and Door - Knocking
The recent Christmas Fair held at the Community Church Centre was the most well attended event I have yet seen in Pontprennau. It was wonderful to see so many people turn up. It was I think very successful.
Before arriving at the Fair, MP Julie Morgan, Pontprennau resident and candidate for the forthcoming European elections Lisa Stevens, several members of the Labour Party Women's Forum and myself had all been out and about in Pontprennau knocking doors and chatting with as many women as we could find at home, with the time to stop on a Saturday morning for a chat. We did have a questionnaire, and were asking a few questions about whether women were inclined to vote or not, and how much do they know about what the Labour Party has done for women and families.
It was good to be out and about and talking to people again, I do miss my street surgeries and the opportunity to chat to residents.
We will be returning to the area with the members of the Women's Forum regularly over the coming months to try and meet with more women to take on board their views.

PACT Meetings
The priorities which were decided upon at the last PACT meeting were the problem with anti-social behaviour in the park near Butterfield Drive, and also the problem with speeding traffic on Croescadarn Road.
One of the other issues discussed at the meeting, concerned residents who had been contacted with regard to a youth facility which it was suggested would be installed in one of the parks in Pontprennau. Some of the residents living in that area were very unhappy about any suggestion of this particular facility being provided in that particular park.
As I have already said, why was there no discussion with the young people on this? It could be that they have some much more constructive suggestions to make.

The next meeting is to be on the 15.01.09 at the Community Church Centre, Heol Pontprennau at 7.00pm.

The Ups and Downs of Politics
As I have said to lots of people over the past months, although I feel that during the next three and a half years left until the next election I now have a very different role to play in Pontprennau, - it is I think still worthwhile.

As well as doing what I can to continue to help people who contact me with individual problems, I also want to keep residents informed of issues which I feel can sometimes be just a little politically one-sided! So, for anyone who does not know the address of my Blog, which is where most of this information can be found it is:-

I know that not everyone has access to a computer, which is why I will continue with my Newsletters. However, I can get so much more information in my Blog, and so if you're interested in the politics, that is where you will find my comments on the good and bad side of politics.

Old St.Mellons News
I am very glad to be able to begin this latest Newsletter by saying that I am still as busy as ever here in the village. I have continued to attend the regular PACT meetings and the monthly Police Surgeries.
I also attend the monthly meetings of the Community Council, as well as some of the committees of the County Council, as an observer. At the moment the two areas I am particularly interested in are the Standards and Ethics Committee and the Schools Sub Committee, both of which I am keeping an eye on.
I am also continuing to watch the monthly meetings of Full Council, but this is definitely a sign of the times as I do not even have to leave home to watch the whole thing from start to finish. I can now simply watch it on my computer.
The monthly meetings are being 'WebCast', so for anyone who is as sad as I am and wants to actually give the time to have a look at what our Council is up to, all you have to do is log on to the Cardiff County Council website. On the first page if you scroll down you will see where it says 'webcasting of council meetings'. Click on that and there it is in glorious technicolour!

The Ups and Downs of Politics
As I have said to lots of people over the past months, although I feel that during the next three and a half years left until the next election I now have a very different role to play in this village, - it is I think still worthwhile. As well as doing what I can to continue to help people who contact me with individual problems, I also want to keep residents informed of issues which I feel can sometimes be just a little politically one-sided!
So, for anyone who does not know the address of my Blog, which is where most of this information can be found it is:-
I know that not everyone has access to a computer, which is why I will continue with my Newsletters. However, I can get so much more information in my Blog, and so if you're interested in the politics, that is where you will find my comments on the good and bad side of politics.

PACT Meetings
As already mentioned, I still attend the PACT meetings here in the village. The priorities which were decided upon at the November meeting were Motorcycle Annoyance in the village, Dog-fouling in Wern Fawr Lane and Tyr Winch Road, and finally the parking problems all around the area of Wern Fawr Lane.
Unfortunately it is necessary for me to criticise the Conservative Cllrs. who sit with the Police representatives during these meetings. I am there as a member of the public to simply observe proceedings. I make no comments or complaints, just listen to other residents concerns and frequently look into issues which have been raised to ascertain what is being done to resolve them.
Unfortunately during these meetings, there have been occasions where one of the Cllr's has informed the residents present that the reason certain issues have not been resolved is because the one time Labour Cllr for this area (me!) had stopped them from happening. - Going on to say that these issues will now be dealt with by the two Conservative Cllrs! What can I say except that I wait with great interest to see if this Cllr continues to blame me for her failures.

I'm sure that most people who know me would be well aware of the fact that this is simply political point-scoring as I would never stand in the way of anything which would benefit the village and its residents, providing it was achievable.

Therefore there are two points I would like to raise;
Firstly, that I have no problem at all with genuine criticism being made by the Conservative Cllrs about me, as long as that information is accurate and can be backed up with proof, not just spurious accusations. I myself will be criticising them on what I am sure will be a regular basis, but any criticism I make will be supported by accurate proof. If I make any criticism which is only my opinion, then I shall state that fact.
Secondly, as one or two residents have pointed out, it is totally unacceptable for PACT meetings run by the Police to be used as a political platform.

For anyone who is interested in attending these PACT meetings, either to express their own concerns, or simply to hear what answers are being given to the questions asked, the next meeting will be 13.01.09 at 7.00pm. It will be held at the Eastern Business Park in Wern Fawr Lane.

Local School - Governing Body
I know that many people will not yet be aware of the fact that after eight terrific years, I am no longer a member of the governing body of St. Mellons Church in Wales primary school. I find that sad and I will miss that time and the parents and teachers I came to know well.
The main reason I am talking about this now is because I do want all residents to know that my removal from the governing body was not a matter of choice. I would have been happy to have remained in that post, and had notified the Governors Services Dept. of Cardiff Council of that fact just before the May election.
A few people have now asked me whether I left because I no longer wanted to be involved since I am not a Councillor any more. Absolutely not, I would never have done that.
I have no idea why it happened, but all I can say is that I did not 'leave', - I was simply removed. If anyone would like a fuller explanation as to exactly what happened, please feel free to give me a ring.

Problems in the Village
I know that we do have a lot of other problems going on here in the village at the moment, in fact so many that it is simply not possible to mention them all! I have remained up to date with all that has happened concerning the parking along Wern Fawr Lane, Old Newport Road, Ffordd Brynhyfryd and Ty To Maen Close.
I am also up to date on the situation with the Newport Road consultations which have gone out, - firstly with a suggestion of bus lanes being provided, and then because of all the concern expressed, a revised scheme showing cycle lanes instead!
I have and will continue to stay as involved as possible with everything happening at the moment, looking at what exactly can be done and what is being done to address these problems.

Coffee Mornings
I did mention in my last Newsletter that it is my intention to continue to organise coffee mornings at Caersalem Baptist Church. I have been so busy over the past months that it has been impossible to arrange a date. However, as soon as the Christmas period is over and we begin to go in to the warmer spring weather, it is my intention to organise something.

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